Error Message

You might see one of the following error messages:

You are not currently logged in. To log in, use: $ serverless login

Please log in by running “serverless login”


Serverless Framework tries to log you into your Serverless Pro account when you have a Serverless organization specified in your serverless.yml:

org: acme
service: notes


If the org is specified but you have not logged in to Serverless, you will get this error.


If you are not deploying a Serverless Component, and want to skip the login step, you can simply comment out the org definition.

# org: acme
service: notes

However, if you are deploying a Serverless Component, you’ll need to login using the $ serverless login command.

Deploying Through Seed:

If you are deploying through Seed, you’ll need to setup a Serverless Access Key. Follow our docs on getting setup — Integrating with Serverless Pro.