Introducing the Seed CLI

Seed now has a CLI that allows you to trigger deployments to your apps from anywhere in your organization’s workflow.
The Seed CLI is available as an npm package.
$ npm install -g @seed-run/cli
You simply need to pass in the org, app, and stage that you want to deploy a specific Git commit to.
$ SEED_TOKEN=$ACME_ORG_TOKEN seed deploy \
--org acme \
--app backend-api \
--stage dev \
--commit 700b9c2
can be genrated from your organization’s settings.
This allows you to control when you want your serverless apps to be deployed to Seed. You don’t need to push a Git commit to do so. This makes it easy to integrate your workflow with Seed.
Read more about deploying with the Seed CLI over on our docs.
Do your Serverless deployments take too long? Incremental deploys in Seed can speed it up 100x!
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