Seed at Functions Conf 2018

We are excited to announce that Frank and Jay from the Seed team will be speaking at the ServerlessDays Toronto/Functions 2018 Conference on September 28th.
ServerlessDays Toronto/Functions 2018 Conference is a community focused, single track, one day conference that moves away from the hype and focuses on the reality of serverless based solutions. It’s about fostering a community locally and helping all of us learn from each other as we embrace a new way of building applications. It is a part of the ServerlessDays series of conferences held around the world focused on fostering a community around serverless technologies.
Frank and Jay will be talking about how Serverless is drastically democratizing software development. They’ll be drawing on their experiences from Seed and Serverless Stack.
In addition to speaking at Functions Conf, Seed is also a partner at the conference. By partnering we are looking to tell more folks about the advantages of using a fully-managed CI/CD solution for your Serverless applications.
Make sure to get your tickets and we’ll see you there soon. Also subscribe to our newsletter and you can expect to see a little discount code come your way soon.
Do your Serverless deployments take too long? Incremental deploys in Seed can speed it up 100x!
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