Sharing Our Serverless Learnings

At Seed, we pretty much live and breathe Serverless. Not only is Seed targeted towards Serverless developers, it is built completely Serverlessly. We would like to share some of what we’ve learnt, with the community. And so over the next few weeks we are going to be writing about the various Serverless tips, tricks, and how-tos that we’ve picked up along the way.
For this, we’ve created a new section in our blog, titled Serverless Tips. We are going to be covering topics mostly centered around Serverless deployments. No surprise there, it’s what we specialize in! But we’ll also be writing about topics that we know our community has either found confusing or could use some better explaining.
On a side note, we also gave our blog a little facelift.
We hope you find our posts useful and we’d be delighted if you shared them with your friends! And if there is something you’d like us to write about, just give us a shout on Twitter.
Do your Serverless deployments take too long? Incremental deploys in Seed can speed it up 100x!
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