Seed automatically caches dependencies to speed up your builds. Currently dependency cache is available for Node.js projects. If you would like support for other runtimes, feel free to contact us. This speeds up your builds if you are using Node.js. But it also speeds up deployments for other runtimes that are using Serverless Framework plugins.


Here is how it works for Node.js projects.

  • Seed auto-detects the package manager based on the yarn.lock or package-lock.json file.
    • If Yarn is detected, Seed will cache the node_modules directory in the project root along with the Yarn cache.
    • If instead, npm is detected, Seed will cache node_modules directory in the project root.
  • In the Init step of the build process, Seed will restore the dependency cache. And in the Cleanup step of the build process, Seed will update the dependency cache.
  • Dependencies are cached on a per-stage basis. So when deploying a stage, the cache for that stage is loaded up.
  • If a stage hasn’t been deployed to for 7 days, the cache is automatically cleared.
  • Finally you can manually clear the cache by using the Force deploy option while triggering a deployment.

A quick note on the impact of caching dependencies on build minutes. The time it takes to restore the cache counts towards the build minutes of your account. While the time to update the build cache does not.