Seed can automatically run the tests for your app. This is turned off initially, to allow you to set things up.

Enable Unit Tests

To enable running unit tests for your app, head over to your app settings. And enable Unit Tests.

Enable unit tests

Once enabled, Seed will automatically detect and run your unit tests using the commands for the language/platform you are using.


For Node.js we run the tests you have defined in your project’s package.json for the test script by running the following as a part of our build process.

$ npm run test

For example, in your package.json you could have the following.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest"

Here we are using Jest to run our tests.

If the test script is not found in the package.json, then the tests are skipped and the build is directly deployed.


For Python, if a Pipfile is found, Seed runs the following command to run the tests in your project.

$ pipenv run test

If a requirements.txt is found, the following command is used.

$ python -m unittest discover -s tests

This looks for the tests in the tests/ directory.

Finally, Seed will deploy your stage if the tests pass successfully.