Sometimes Seed might skip an entire build or skip building a specific service. This chapter goes over the details of why some builds might have been skipped.

There are 4 reasons why a build or service might have been skipped.

  1. Multiple queued builds

    If you push a commit while one is currently being deployed, the new commit will queue a build. However, if you push another commit while there’s one in the queue; the queued build will be skipped.

  2. Newly added service

    If you add a newly created service to the pipeline that only exists in a specific branch, Seed will skip deploying that service in the other stages. You can read more about this here.

  3. Failed deploy phase

    If a deploy phase fails, all the services in the following deploy phases will be skipped.

  4. Build minutes limit

    If your account has reached the build minutes limit, any new commits will result in skipped builds. Consider upgrading your plan to avoid any disruption.

Skipping Git Push Deployments

By default if your stages are configured to auto-deploy, they’ll trigger a new deployment for every git push. For some commits you might not want to trigger a build. You can do this by including either of these as a part of your commit message.

  • [skip ci]
  • [ci skip]

So for example, pushing a commit like the following will not trigger a build.

$ git commit -a "[skip ci] removing newline character"
$ git push

Note that, unlike the skipped build cases above, these builds will not be reflected on the Seed console.